Week of February 18, 2013

Image source:  http://schools.stlucie.k12.fl.us/oak/2013/01/27/survey/

Survey Says.....

This week our voice will be heard!  Students have been asked to give their opinion for a couple of different projects this week (and part of last week and next week).  Here is the lowdown:

May Community Academy Culture Survey

Mr. Hetrick, our Dean of Students has asked that staff members and students take a school culture survey.  Almost all of the classrooms in grades 2-8 have participated.  If you have not done so yet you can get to the survey here.  If you are not a May school member please don't take the survey!  I'll report out the findings in a future blog post.

My Voice-My Vote Survey
Seventh graders in room 303 continue to work on their T.E.A.M. project with Krista.  Last week four of the students worked together to create a video that explained their infographic.  After viewing the video students were asked to take the same survey they took in the fall to see if their opinions have changed.  The video, infographics and survey can be found at myvoice-myvote.blogspot.com.

 In other T.E.A.M. news I was fortunate to see two of our 8th graders participate in an Adobe Youth Voices "Rough Cut".  I blogged about it for my T.E.A.M. fellowship.  Please visit http://goo.gl/9VMLR if you'd like to read about the experience.

Edmodo and PowerPoint
For the past few weeks students in grades 2-6 have been learning how to use PowerPoint.  We've looked at inserting new slides, changing the design, inserting clip art, transitions and animations.  Read more about the assignment here. The next step is to have the students upload their work to our Edmodo page.  Room 202 were my Edmodo guinea pigs this week!  Many students are finishing up their PowerPoints so those who were finished in time started uploading.  I look forward to the students being able to comment on each other's work!

Students:  take some time to practice using this site:  http://metacat2.com/iltestlinks.html


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